Even if, in the grand scheme of things, your daily pack of cigarettes might not seem all that horrible, it is bad for your health.
Like all addictions, smoking dependency develops out of habit and is significantly influenced by a number of internal and external triggers. The brain makes associations between specific images or behaviours (like as witnessing someone smoke in a movie or connecting smoking with drinking your morning coffee) that increase one’s desire to smoke.
If your loved one is talking about quitting cigarettes but is not able to do so, then they are not alone. With time, smoking has become as socially acceptable as alcohol. It is considerably more difficult to quit smoking because it is legal and cigarettes are easily available in every single store in the nation.
One needs to understand that quitting smoking is a process, just like quitting any other addictive substance. The good news is that quitting gets simpler the longer you do it. And even better news: CBD oil products can support your efforts to stop smoking. While it has long been believed that cannabis is a “drug of abuse,” a growing number of studies that have been published in the biomedical literature recently suggest that either the plant itself or some of its chemicals may be useful in treating addictions.
Let’s look at why it is so crucial to stop smoking before we share how CBD can help you quit.
Health advantages of giving up smoking
Among the health advantages of giving up smoking are the following:
Reduced risk of cancer: All smokers face a number of serious risks, including cancer. Although it won’t happen for a few years, you will eventually have a lower chance of bladder, kidney, pancreatic, and lung cancer. The risk of cancer decreases the longer you refrain from using nicotine.
A better flow of blood: Smoking poses a significant risk for people with heart problems. As soon as two weeks after quitting, blood circulation begins to improve. By quitting smoking, you will also reduce the heart attack. Due to your body’s improved oxygen levels, you’ll also have more energy.
Improved flavour and smell: Everything will taste and smell better, including food and beverages. These senses (the delicate nerve endings in the mouth and nasal cavities) become muted as a result of smoking. After quitting, they can grow back within a few days.
Improved immunological function: Smoking has an impact on your immune system, making it simple for you to contract colds and other viruses. When you stop smoking, your circulation gets better, there’s less inflammation, and your oxygen levels go up, that will improve your immune system.
Can CBD really help people who are addicted to nicotine?
Research on CBD and its effects is ongoing but according to this research, CBD can really help in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
Researchers at the University College London found that CBD may serve as a smoking deterrent in their study. Over a week, this 2013 pilot study was conducted. It divided 24 dependent smokers into two groups to examine the possible impact of CBD on those individuals. The participants were instructed to use the inhalers whenever they felt the need to smoke, and 12 were given CBD inhalers and 12 placebo inhalers. The outcomes were extremely positive; those who used the CBD inhalers smoked 40% fewer cigarettes per week than they typically would, in stark contrast to those who used the placebo inhalers.
How CBD reduces the withdrawal effects of smoking?
After your last cigarette, you usually experience withdrawal symptoms that continue for a few weeks. The symptoms consist of emotional, mental, and physical symptoms. Headaches, anxiety, trouble sleeping, mood swings, irritability, an increase in appetite or food cravings, and increased blood pressure are typical symptoms. The issue with withdrawal symptoms is that they make it simple to start smoking again in order to get rid of the temptation they bring. Therefore, it is crucial to make the withdrawal process simpler or else your quest to quit smoking will fail. The advantages of CBD begin to work at this point by easing nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
It eases tension: It is well established that stressful or anxiety-inducing situations frequently cause smokers to light up. CBD oil helps to give a sense of relaxation. It also helps relieve tension and anxiety.
It reduces pain in the body: Headaches and nausea, which are frequently reported withdrawal symptoms in those trying to quit smoking, can be greatly reduced by CBD because of its anti-inflammatory and antiemetic qualities.
It encourages better sleep: Additionally, buy cbd oil online can aid in promoting restful sleep, which is important during withdrawal. Never undervalue the power of a good night’s sleep because it is crucial to recovery and general wellbeing.
How does Nicotine Withdrawal Work?
A nicotine addiction leads to nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine, an addictive chemical found in cigarettes, enters the bloodstream when you smoke and travels to the brain, where it binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
Acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter, is released as a result, which regulates smooth muscle contraction, blood vessel dilation, heart rate slowing, and boosts body secretions. Smoking causes the brain’s acetylcholine receptor count to rise over time.
The brain becomes more active as a result of the production of acetylcholine, which also increases the quantity of dopamine, the reward chemical, that is released. Because smoking activates the reward circuits, this encourages the smoking behaviour.
Another neurotransmitter whose release is prompted by nicotine is glutamate. Glutamate contributes to improved neuronal transmission, which influences memory and learning. This may be the cause of smokers’ perceptions that smoking enhances thinking or that quitting smoking will decline to ability to think straight.
Less dopamine and glutamate are released when you stop smoking because the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that are “accustomed to” being triggered by nicotine no longer have nicotine entering into the body. This translates to experiencing “brain fog,” which makes it difficult to organise your thoughts and frequently results in feelings of anxiety, gloom, or depression.
Physical withdrawal symptoms from nicotine addiction include sleeplessness, chronic coughing, and constipation. These symptoms all get better with time, but they can make the first few days of quitting smoking very difficult.
There are several advantages buy cbd oil online can provide as you go through the process of quitting smoking. According to studies, CBD helps with both cravings and the signs of withdrawal which is the real culprit that makes you fall back into the habit.As you can see, there is a lot of evidence that CBD advantages can reduce a person’s dependence on nicotine. CBD and general lifestyle modifications can significantly help if you’re looking for natural ways to quit smoking. In Hempstrol, one of India’s premier hemp based brands, you may choose from a variety of CBD products to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Simply put, users who have used CBD to stop smoking have experienced a reduction in cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Research findings indicate that CBD has significant potential in this area.