Heroin is an extremely addictive substance that can be used in many different ways. Besides, the traditional injection method, also it can be snorted, smoked, or sniffed, primarily dependent on the drug purity and the user’s preferences.
A muscle or a vein can both be injected with heroin. It may be smoked by using a pipe, combined with a joint of marijuana, or smoked like a standard cigarette. Also, heroin can be snorted by many as powder.
The effects of heroin are felt quickly by those who inject it. People can typically feel euphoric effects from heroin mainlining within a few seconds. People usually experience its peak effects after 10 – 15 minutes of smoking it.
According to research, approximately half of heroin users choose to take their drug via an injection. Detox to Rehab can treat the person who is suffering from heroin addiction.
Consequences of Heroin use
Overdoses on heroin slow respiration and heart rate. Overdose victims need to be saved by medical professionals or given Narcan or Naloxone, a drug that stops the heroin effects and is typically accessible over-the-counter.
The rapid development of tolerance and physical dependency on the medicine results in withdrawal symptoms when not consumed. Addiction may then develop, with drug searching and use taking up all of an individual’s time.
HIV, hepatitis B, and also hepatitis C are all serious health risks for people who often inject drugs, including heroin. However, because they can more likely to be engaged in unprotected intercourse while under the drug influence, persons who inhale or snort heroin can also be at an elevated risk of HIV/AIDS as well as hepatitis.
Neonatal abstinence syndrome is the outcome of pregnant women using heroin and passing the substance to their fetus through the placenta, which causes the baby to be born drug-addicted. Additionally, they run the chance of having an unplanned pregnancy.