It is only July, and New Jersey has already recorded 209 reported fatalities in car accidents. Being in a car accident can be one of the worst traumatic experiences of your life. It does not only take a toll on your physical health but mental and emotional health as well. 

Whether it was a big or small accident, and whether you have severe or minor injuries, you are bound to experience some pain following the incident. Sometimes, there might not even be symptoms. It is recommended to seek medical care regardless of how “okay” you feel. 

An auto injuries Colonia expert can help heal your injuries faster and prevent them from getting worse. Read this blog to learn about some alternative therapies that can help with pain management after a car accident. 

Alternative therapy options for car accident pain 

  • Physical therapy. 

Physical therapy has various treatment options, including strength-building, aquatic therapy, and electromagnetic therapy. It is not simply about moving your body in certain ways. These are specialized treatment techniques that involve unique exercises and body movements that lead toward healing. Daily movement and physical therapy stimulate tissue repair. 

  • Chiropractic care. 

Chiropractic care is an excellent option for anyone who has experienced a car accident. A skilled chiropractor focuses on the musculoskeletal system, using techniques such as manipulation, massage, and adjustments to the bones and muscles. This approach can significantly enhance the healing process following an injury.

Chiropractic Treatment after a Car Accident by EIH

  • Home remedies. 

Home remedies are recommended by doctors and experts if the pain from a car accident is mild. Home remedies can help soothe sore muscles and promote healing. Here are some things you can try:

  1. Use an ice pack to reduce swelling and pain.
  2. Ask your doctor to prescribe painkillers. Over-the-counter medications can also help. 
  3. Neck and back braces can restrict movement and reduce pain. However, they are only a temporary solution. 
  • Acupuncture. 

Acupuncture is a fascinating nonsurgical procedure for pain management where a specialist enters tiny, thin needles into the skin around the affected area to promote circulation. Good circulation, in turn, leads to better healing. Since the process does not include any medications, it works well alongside other treatment options. 

  • Nerve blocks. 

A nerve block is a form of pain management method where a specialist injects medications into the patient’s affected area that blocks its nerve signaling. This causes the nerves to stop carrying pain messages to the brain. This method takes into consideration the way in which the rest of the body parts interact with the brain. 

  • Spine rehabilitation. 

In the human body, every bone and muscle has a specific designation. They must stay where they are in order for your body to function properly and without pain. During a car accident, the impact is often great enough to knock your vertebrae out of its original position. A chiropractor can correct the alignment of your spine by making the necessary adjustments. 

  • Cement injections. 

Cement injections are a bit what they sound like and are more intensive than other non-invasive techniques. In this method, the doctor injects a type of “cement” into the spine. This helps people with serious spinal cord injuries regain stability and movement and prevents further degeneration of the spinal column.

  • Whiplash treatment. 

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in New Jersey car accidents. It occurs when your head is jerked backward and then immediately forward or side to side. It causes stiffness in your neck and can make it impossible even to make minor turns. A chiropractor can help loosen strained ligaments. 

Get treated today!

If you have recently been in a car accident and are suffering from pain, waiting for it to go away on its own is a huge mistake. With proper care, you can soon return to your normal and pain-free life. Visit an expert in New Jersey today!

Curtis Seal