Colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure that examines the rectum and the colon (large intestine). The procedure is also used as colon cancer screening and to assess certain medical problems or symptoms, including:

  • Drastic and unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained and long-term abdominal pain
  • Bowel habit changes
  • Blood in the stool
  • Low red blood cells count (anemia)

Colonoscopy can also be used to treat some conditions such as:

  • Stricture or narrowed areas
  • Polyps 
  • Lesions or diverticula bleeding

Colonoscopy cost can vary from one provider to another and can be influenced by several key factors. For instance, if done for screening purposes, the rate is often affordable. However, if done to determine certain conditions, it can be costlier. Colonoscopy cost in Singapore can range from $397 to $7,063.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

Before a colonoscopy is carried out, your doctor would ask about any possible medical conditions you may have, including:

  • Medication allergies
  • Lung conditions
  • Heart diseases
  • Kidney conditions
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes

Your healthcare provider will also inquire if you have any conditions that can affect blood clotting. Certain adjustments might be recommended before the procedure is performed. It is recommended that you continue taking your medications until your doctors instruct you otherwise.

When preparing for colonoscopy, certain dietary modifications may be prescribed. For instance, you might be asked to eliminate or limit your intake of high-fiber foods at least a few days prior to the procedure. You will also be instructed to take laxatives that will clean out the colon. 

A clear liquid diet may also be recommended before the procedure. For the procedure to be successful, the bowel must be cleansed further along with the dietary changes. A laxative drink or enema might also be given before the procedure. It is important that you strictly follow any instructions provided by your doctor.

What to Expect During the Procedure

The procedure is only performed by an experienced specialist in private clinics or hospitals. Generally, a colonoscopy can last from 30 minutes to an hour and you will be given medication that can help you relax. You will need to lie on your left side before the procedure begins. 

A long and flexible instrument known as a colonoscope will be used. The colonoscope will be inserted via the rectum and will examine the ends of the large intestine. The colonoscope bends so it can easily move around the curves of the colon. The colonoscope will transmit images  of the colon linings on the screen so the doctor can check for any abnormalities.

Occasionally, the doctor might require patients to change position so they can move the colonoscope more easily. The instrument can also be used to blow air into the colon to make it expand, allowing the doctor to get a better view. During this part, you might experience some mild cramping.

Taking slow and deep breaths can help minimize the cramping. Once done, the instrument will be withdrawn gently. If the doctor sees anything abnormal, a small amount of tissue may be removed for further examination. This process is also known as biopsy. 

What to Expect After the Procedure

After the procedure, patients can expect the following:

  • They would stay in the recovery room for at least 30 minutes to be observed.
  • Some sensation of having gas or cramping may be experienced. However, it would often go away on its own.
  • It is recommended that you designate someone to drive you home as it is considered unsafe to operate any machinery or drive for eight hours after.
  • You can continue with your normal diet immediately after.

Make sure you carefully read and follow discharge instructions strictly. It is possible that certain medications such as blood thinning agents may need to be avoided if polyps were removed or some samples were taken for further examination.

Phillip Steinfeldt