Our digestive system is quite well-tuned to handle the rigours of everyday activity, and it is the stomach that arguably plays one of the most important roles in that aspect. Our stomach contains a concoction of Hydrochloric acid and other chemicals that are used to break down the food that we consume, and a layer of mucus, also referred to as mucosa, is what defends the lining tissues from the acid inside. In certain cases, this layer may encounter inflammation and breakages, thereby resulting in the symptoms of gastritis

Gastritis is a common digestive medical condition that is mostly caused by the action of a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori, but other issues like the excess consumption of alcohol and accidental ingestion of poison can result in gastritis as well. If you are someone who is suffering from gastritis as well, you must visit a gastroenterologist at a hospital in Patna to get your condition diagnosed and treated. 

Now, it must be pointed out that there are two types of gastritis, namely, acute gastritis and chronic gastritis. In the first case, the suffering and agonies experienced can prove to be pretty severe, but they would last for a couple or three days at most. In the case of chronic gastritis, the symptoms and suffering would last for greatly longer durations. 

In this blog, we will be taking a quick look at 7 of the most common symptoms of gastritis. While some of these symptoms can be confused with other ailments out there, tests conducted for the same can accurately determine the actual problem. So, let’s get started. 

Abdominal pain: When it comes to any ailment that affects this region, abdominal pain turns out to be one of the major symptoms, and the same can be said in this case as well. The upper abdominal region is where gastritis pain is mostly detected, but the intensity of the pain varies according to the degree of infection or injury there is. 

A significant loss of appetite: During a gastritis infection, irrespective of the fact whether it has been caused due to bacterial action or some other factors, the patient is likely to witness a rapid loss in their overall level of appetite, and this is mostly down to the fact that patients experience nauseatic signs, thereby killing their appetite. 

Stomach issues and frequent diarrhoea: If someone is experiencing repeated bouts of diarrhoea and food poisoning, it can indicate a gastritis infection. The best gastroenterologists track the occurrence of such issues to address the problem that the patient might be suffering from. In certain cases, stool tests might be carried out as well to determine whether H. Pylori is present in the body, or not.

The onset of vomiting and nauseatic tendencies: As the disease sets in, it can lead to the erosion and cracking of the stomach wall, and in certain cases, there may be ulcers present on the stomach walls as well. This situation may lead to the inducement of nausea and vomiting in patients. Gastrointestinal treatments would take the frequency and other parameters of such occurrences to ascertain how to progress about the same. 

Excessive belching: This is a natural process that isn’t the cause of much concern in most cases, but when the emphasis comes on excessive, they can prove to be potential symptoms of gastritis. In these cases, they are accompanied by painful and constant heartburn, along with the generation of foul-smelling flatulence. One must visit the best gastroenterologists if they are facing any such symptoms on a regular basis. 

A constant feeling of fullness: During the onset of gastritis, it must be pointed out that the patient would be experiencing a constant sense of fullness, even when they haven’t consumed enough calories that they otherwise consume. This is mainly due to the fact that the stomach lining has inflamed, and in such a case, going for immediate gastrointestinal treatments would be the right thing to do. 

The passage of bloody stools: Since the inner lining of the stomach lining has been removed or inflamed due to the occurrence of gastritis, the stool that one passes would have a pretty foul odour, and this can be accompanied by the presence of blood as well. If such blood is witnessed, going for the best gastroenterologists on a priority basis would be the right thing to do. 

While the aforementioned are the 7 most commonly witnessed symptoms of gastritis there are, it is a good thing to know that they can be treated conveniently. The exact method of treatment depends on what’s actually causing the condition, and if it is found that H. Pylori is to blame, antibiotics should be able to remedy the situation. Alongside such remedial measures, doctors may suggest significant changes in the regular dietary patterns as well. 

Final take:

Gastritis is a disease that can be treated by gastroenterologists, and the aforementioned symptoms would help you learn about the presence and occurrence of the same as well. Facing similar issues or symptoms in your daily lives? Take a step towards healing by visiting a super-specialty hospital.



Neil Martinez