Worried of getting pregnant due to unprotected sex or a primary contraceptive having failed? Calm down, take a deep breath and get your online consult now. Thankfully, there exists emergency contraception for women who have just had unprotected sex.
The morning-after pill or Plan B, is a backup contraception method that contains either levonorgestrel or ulipristal acetate and is taken in pill form by women to prevent pregnancy after unsafe sex. Although it is popularly known with that name, the morning-after pill does not need to be taken the next morning, and is in fact much more effective the sooner you take the pill after doing the deed. You will only need to take a single pill, as the method is a single-dose treatment.
In Singapore, the morning-after pill is not an over-the-counter medicine, and you must first secure a doctor’s prescription to be able to purchase it. Since the pill is best taken as soon as possible, one way to save some time is by getting an online consultation with a doctor through a telemedicine app. Some of these apps also offer a delivery service so that once you secure your prescription for the morning-after pill, they can have the pill delivered to your address in just a few hours.
What are the types of morning-after pills?
There are two types of online emergency contraception in Singapore, those that contain levonorgestrel and those that contain ulipristal acetate. They both work in somehow similar ways, but there are some differences.
Levonorgestrel, a progestin-only pill, works by either delaying ovulation so that the woman’s egg cell does not get released at a time that it can be fertilized by the sperm or by preventing the ovaries from releasing the eggs at all if taken before ovulation. It does so through various side effects that help stop pregnancy from occurring, which includes thickening the mucus layer in the cervix to make it harder for the sperm to enter the uterus. Levonorgestrel must be taken within 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse, and is more effective the earlier it is taken.
Ulipristal acetate, on the other hand, is an antiprogestin, which means it stops or slows down the production of progesterone, an important hormone for female reproduction. This, in effect, slows down or stops ovulation from happening, which prevents the sperm from reaching the egg for fertilization. Ulipristal acetate has a longer time of effectivity, in which a woman can take the pill within 120 hours after intercourse. However, it is important to take note that the pill works best when taken as early as possible.
Whichever type of morning-after pill you take will depend on what your doctor will prescribe for you. Usually, levonorgestrel is prescribed if you are still within the 72 hour period after intercourse, whilst ulipristal acetate is prescribed levonorgestrel is no longer effective.
How to get a consultation with a doctor to get a prescription for morning-after pills
To be able to get a prescription for a morning-after pill, you have two options. You can proceed to a doctor’s clinic physically and get your prescription, or you can schedule an online consultation with a doctor instead and get a prescription sent to you digitally.
Getting an appointment for a physical consultation can be difficult, especially if the doctor is swamped with patients in his/her clinic. It can also be tiring and time-consuming, since you may have to look for a different doctor if your first choice cannot accommodate you. Even if you are successful in getting an appointment, it may be scheduled at a later time or date, which in turn may reduce the effectiveness of the morning-after pill. You may also have to wait a long time in the clinic if there are several patients during that particular time.
The better option is to schedule a consultation for online emergency contraception in Singapore. Apps like Speedoc make it quick and easy for women to get an online consultation with a licensed doctor and get a morning-after pill prescription. To make it even easier, some apps even let patients schedule a delivery of the pill right to their doorsteps, which may take just 3 hours or less to arrive. There are usually doctors that are ready 24/7 when you use these apps, making it really easy and convenient to get a consultation.
What to expect during the consultation?
During the consultation, the doctor will ask you about just important details such as the date and time in which intercourse happened and the reason why you need an emergency contraceptive. He or she may also ask you about any other medical issues you may be experiencing as well as any medication you are currently taking. The doctor will also ask about your medical history and if you have used a morning-after pill before or not. If you are in a physical consultatio, a physical exam may also be done to ensure that it is safe for you to take the emergency contraception. It is important to be honest, but it is up to you on how much you want to disclose to your doctor.
Take note that the woman who is taking the morning-after pill must be the one getting the doctor’s consultation. If a man is getting the consultation, then he cannot get a prescription for his partner for a morning-after pill. After the consultation and examination, the doctor will give you his or her diagnosis and a prescription for a morning-after pill if he or she deems you need one.
What to do once you get a prescription for an online emergency contraception in Singapore?
Once your doctor issues a prescription for a morning-after pill, you can either go to a pharmacy and purchase the pill or, if you use an app, you can order the pill through it and have it delivered to your home. Either way, it is vital that you are able to take the pill as soon as possible to increase the effectiveness of the contraception.
Speedoc Singapore
8 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, #04-06, Singapore 417941
+65 6909 7799